
Nested Objects - Choose the fan out depth

Previously, when triggering workflows in nested object hierarchies (where one object subscribes to another), notifications would automatically fan out up to two levels—sending notification to object, its direct subscribers, and child object subscribers.

Now, you have full control over how deep the fan-out should go. You can now set the depth in the recipient payload, defining how far the workflow should propagate to fetch subscriptions.

🔹 Depth 0 → Notify only the object’s channels (e.g., Slack team, shared inbox).
🔹 Depth 1 → Notify the object’s channels + direct subscribers.
🔹 Depth N → Expand deeper into hierarchical subscriptions as needed.

"recipients": [
    "object_type": "teams",

    //optional parameter to define subscription fan-out depth in workflows
    "$object_subscriptions_query": {
      "depth": 0

You can use this to build Escalation Workflows or Tiered Customer Support Notifications, send notification to a shared slack channel or customer support queue first and then escalate to individual users in case of no response in a given time duration.

Fixes and Improvements: