Send and Track Events

This document will cover the method to send event to Suprsend platform


  1. Integrate Go SDK
  2. Create User Profile
  3. Create Template on SuprSend platform - if you want to trigger workflow by passing the event
  4. Create Workflow on SuprSend Platform - if you want to trigger workflow by passing the event

Create Workflow on SuprSend Platform

For Event based workflow trigger, you'll have to create the workflow on SuprSend Platform. Once the workflow is created, you can pass the EventName ( GROCERY_PURCHASED in below example) defined in workflow configuration with the help of suprClient.TrackEvent method. Variables added in the template should be passed as event Properties


Send Event

You can send event to Suprsend platform by using the suprClient.TrackEvent method.

ev := &suprsend.Event{
  EventName:  "__event_name__",
  DistinctId: "__distinct_id__",
  Properties: map[string]interface{}{
    "k1": "v1",
  IdempotencyKey: "123456"

// Add attachment (If needed) by calling .AddAttachment
err = ev.AddAttachment("~/Downloads/attachment.pdf", &suprsend.AttachmentOption{FileName: "My Attachment.pdf"})
if err != nil {

// Send event to Suprsend by calling .TrackEvent
_, err = suprClient.TrackEvent(ev)
if err != nil {

DistinctIddistinct_id of user performing the eventstringmandatory
EventNamestring identifier for the event like product_purchasedstringmandatory
Propertiesa dictionary representing event attributes like first_name
Event properties can be used to pass template variables in case of event based trigger
IdempotencyKeyidempotency_key is the unique identifier for an event, and expires in 24 hours.stringoptional


Event naming guidelines

When you create an Event or a property, please ensure that the Event Name or Property Name does not start with $ or ss_, as we have reserved these symbols for our internal events and property names.

Sample Code

ev := &suprsend.Event{
  EventName:  "product_purchased", // Mandatory, name of the event you're tracking
  DistinctId: "0fxxx8f74-xxxx-41c5-8752-xxxcb6911fb08", // Mandatory, Unique id of user in your application
  Properties: map[string]interface{}{													
    "first_name": "User",
    "spend_amount": "$10",
    "nested_key_example": map[string]interface{}{
      "nested_key1": "some_value_1",
      "nested_key2": map[string]interface{}{
        "nested_key3": "some_value_3",
    IdempotencyKey: "abcd-1234-abc6"
  // Add attachment (If needed) by calling .AddAttachment
  err = ev.AddAttachment("~/Downloads/attachment.pdf", &suprsend.AttachmentOption{FileName: "My Attachment.pdf"})
  if err != nil {
  // Send event to Suprsend by calling .TrackEvent
  _, err = suprClient.TrackEvent(ev)
  if err != nil {



EventName in Track event method should exactly match the Event name added in Workflow configurations


When you call suprClient.TrackEvent, the SDK internally makes an HTTP call to SuprSend Platform to register this request, and you'll receive an error message if something fails

Bulk API for multiple event requests

You can use Bulk API to send multiple events.

Use .Append() on bulk_events instance to add however-many-records to call in bulk.

ev1 := &suprsend.Event{
  EventName:  "__event_name__",
  DistinctId: "__distinct_id__",
  Properties: map[string]interface{}{
    "k1": "v1",
  IdempotencyKey: ""

ev2 := &suprsend.Event{
  EventName:  "__event_name__",
  DistinctId: "__distinct_id__",
  IdempotencyKey: ""

// Create bulkEvents instance
bulkIns := suprClient.BulkEvents.NewInstance()

// Add all events to bulk Instance
bulkIns.Append(ev1, ev2)

// call trigger to send all these events to SuprSend
bulkResponse, err := bulkIns.Trigger()
if err != nil {

How SuprSend Processes the bulk API request

  • On calling bulkIns.Trigger(), the SDK internally makes one-or-more Callable-chunks.
  • Each callable-chunk contains a subset of records, the subset calculation is based on each record's bytes-size and max allowed chunk-size, chunk-length etc.
  • For each callable-chunk SDK makes an HTTP call to SuprSend to register the request.


Response is an instance of suprsend.BulkResponse type

// Response structure

  Status : "success",
  Total : 10, // number of records sent in bulk
  Success : 10, // number of records succeeded
  Failure : 0, // number of records failed
  FailedRecords : [],

  Status : "fail",
  Total : 10, // number of records sent in bulk
  Success : 0, // number of records succeeded
  Failure : 10, // number of records failed
  FailedRecords : [{"record": {...}, "error": "error_str", "code": 500}]

  Status : "partial",
  Total : 10, // number of records sent in bulk
  Success : 6, // number of records succeeded
  Failure : 4, // number of records failed
  FailedRecords : [{"record": {...}, "error": "error_str", "code": 500}]