Gupshup (SMS)

Types of vendor errors for Gupshup (SMS) and their resolutions

In this guide, we'll cover all the errors returned by the vendor when SuprSend initiates a send call to the vendor. In case of vendor error, you'll see Trigger failed or Failure by Vendor status in the third step of the logs. Hover over the failed chip to access the specific error message.

Error codes

ErrorHow to solve
001 - ABSENT_SUBSCRIBERThe message could not be delivered because the subscriber (i.e., the recipient) is temporarily unavailable. This error can occur due to network issues, roaming, recipient's mobile network provider service is temporary down or the SIM card is inactive.
You can recheck the number and retry sending.
002 - CALL_BARREDSubscribers have some kind of call barring activity on the number due to which messages from unknown sources are blocked.
003 - UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBERUnknown/invalid number.
004 - SERVICE_DOWNOperator service is temporarily down.
005 - SYSTEM_FAILUREFailure due to a problem in the Operator’s systems (Originating or Destination Operator).
006 - DND_FAILThe number is either in DND or Blocked due to being in DND or a complaint.
007 - BLOCKEDFrom number is blocked by the end user and you can't reach out to this user.
008 - DND_TIMEOUTBefore sending promotional messages, the DLT system checks if the recipient's number is registered under DND (Do Not Disturb). This error indicates that the system failed to complete this check within the required timeframe. Retry sending after a day.
009 - OUTSIDE_WORKING_HOURSDLT has restrictions on the hours during which promotional or bulk SMS messages can be sent. In India, promotional messages are allowed between 9 AM and 9 PM. You'll get this error if the message is sent outside these hours.
error: 175: The "INTERNATIONAL_PHONE" service is disabled for you. Kindly get the service enabled before using this actionYou need to enable international sending in your gupshup account to send messages to numbers outside India. Reach out to Gupshup support to enable it for your account.
HEADER_NOT_REGISTERED_FOR_TEMPLATEHeader added in the template is not registered on DLT or is different from the one added in approved template.
067 - HEADER_NOT_FOUNDHeader added in the template is not registered on DLT or is different from the one added in approved template.
00b - BLOCKED_MASKThe sender ID / Header (or mask) you are using to send the SMS has been blocked. It could happen due to non-compliance with regulatory guidelines or have exceeded the allowed limits of sending message.
error: 124: Validity of your SMS pack has expired on "Sat Aug 20 00:00:00 IST 2022". You are not allowed to send messages now.SMS pack on Gupshup has expired. You need to renew the pack to start sending messages again.
038 - MSG_DOES_NOT_MATCH_TEMPLATEThe template passed in the message content does not match with dltTemplateId uploaded on DLT portal.
error: 102: Authentication failed due to invalid userId or passwordUserid or password added in Gupshup vendor form is incorrect. Update it to fix this error. Reach out to SuprSend support if the issue persists.
TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUNDThe template_id of the approved template is not found on DLT portal. Reach out to our support if SuprSend is taking care of SMS template approval for you.
Get "": dial tcp i/o timeoutGupshup server didn't respond within a given duration. Most likely reason being server is unavailable/on high load. If you are getting this error for all requests, it could be possible that you IP whitelisting enabled and SuprSend's IP is not whitelisted.
00a - OTHERMessages that are sent but can not be delivered for reasons that don’t fall under any mentioned category.
074 - TEMPLATE_NOT_MATCHEDThe template content of the approved template doesn't match the template content on SuprSend platform. Reach out to our support if SuprSend is taking care of SMS template approval for you.
070 - HEADER_RESERVEDIndicates that the header (also known as the sender ID) used in the SMS does not match any of the registered headers in the DLT platform
error: 106: The method "SENDMESSAGE" is not supported.The "SENDMESSAGE" method might be outdated or not supported in the current version of the Gupshup API. Verify that you are using a supported method as per the latest API documentation. Reach out to our support if you get this error.