Integrate Python SDK

This document will cover SDK installation and initialization steps

You can follow the steps mentioned in the documentation below or refer to our quick code recipe


Step 1: Install libmagic system package. You can skip this step if you already have this package installed in your system. You can install it as follows:

# if you are using linux / debian based systems
sudo apt install libmagic

# If you are using macOS
brew install libmagic

Step 2: Install suprsend-py-sdk using pip

$ pip install suprsend-py-sdk

# to upgrade to latest SDK version

$ pip install suprsend-py-sdk --upgrade


Python version 3.7 or later is required

If your python3 version is lower than 3.7, upgrade it to >=3.7


For initializing SDK, you need WORKSPACE KEY and WORKSPACE SECRET.

from suprsend import Suprsend
# Initialize SDK
supr_client = Suprsend("WORKSPACE KEY", "WORKSPACE SECRET")

Replace WORKSPACE KEY and WORKSPACE SECRET with your workspace values. You will get both the tokens from Suprsend dashboard (Settings page -> "API keys" section). For more details, check the documentation on 'Workspaces'.

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