This section is a step by step guide to set Karix as your SMS service provider.
You can use use your existing Karix account to integrate, or create a new account from here


  1. Create a Karix account
  2. Create an Enterprise DLT account

Karix integration on SuprSend account

On the SuprSend dashboard, follow the steps as below:

  1. Select Vendors from the left panel
  2. Select 'SMS' as the channel from the list
  3. Select the communication type from the list - OTP, Transactional, Promotional
  4. Select 'Karix' from the list of Vendors

Form FieldDescription
NicknameYou can give any name which may help you to identify this account easily
Account keyYou will get this API key from your Karix account. SuprSend uses this API key to send SMS on your behalf via your registered Karix account.
Price per notificationThis is the amount you pay per SMS notification to Karix. It helps us to calculate, estimate and optimise your cost spent on notifications.
DLT Integration -> 'Mobile Operator'Mobile Operator of your enterprise DLT account
DLT Integration -> 'Headers'6 digit/character sender id registered for your entity
( You can get the header details from your DLT portal)
Also, you can add multiple headers in the list by just typing the header name and clicking on enter
DLT Integration -> 'User Name'User Name of your DLT platform login. SuprSend uses this info to register template on your behalf through your registered DLT platform.
DLT Integration -> 'Password'Password of your DLT platform login. SuprSend uses this info to register template on your behalf through your registered DLT platform.
DLT Integration -> 'Entity ID'Entity Registration ID linked to your DLT account. You can get the Registration Id from your DLT account homepage.
SuprSend uses this info to send messages on your behalf through your registered DLT platform.

How to get Account key from your Karix account

Login to Karix lounge account and follow the below steps:

  1. Go to "Whatsapp Campaign" -> "Profiles" page from your left navigation menu
  2. Click on "Create keys" button.
  3. Enter the "key name" and "description" in the create keys modal and save
  4. Copy the API key generated by clicking on the "eye" button and add it to SuprSend Vendor settings page

Setting Callback URL in Karix Account

One of the platform advantage of using SuprSend as a central communication system is that it shows notification analytics for all channels in your SuprSend account together.

Send a mail to to enable below tracking to your account level settings:

  1. Add the below webhook URL in your account level DLR settings:
    Post URL:

  2. Enable cust-ref & all tags parameters in the webhook URL

Enabling URL shortener service in Karix account

URL shortening is essential if you are sending URL links in your SMS content. It reduces the number of characters in your SMS and is required for tracking the click rate of your messages.

To activate URL shortening, write a mail to to enable Auto_shortening service in your account level settings

How to register headers through Airtel DLT platform

To register header on Airtel DLT platform, you can refer the section: Sender ID/Mask/Header Registration - DLT Platform

What’s Next

Create SMS template and add a workflow to start sending your SMS notifications