This section is a step by step guide to setup Mailjet as your email service provider
You can use use your existing Mailjet account to integrate, or create a new account from here

Mailjet integration on SuprSend account

Step 1: On the SuprSend dashboard, follow the steps as below:

  1. Select Vendors from the left panel
  2. Select Email as the channel from the list
  3. Choose a notification category from the list: System, Transactional, or Promotional. You have the option to add different vendors in each notification category. This helps you to manage different messaging queues at vendor end based on the criticality of notification and doesn't let your marketing or promotional notifications to impact the deliverability of critical system notifications, such as OTPs or verification messages.
  4. Select Mailjet from the list of Vendors

Step 2: On the Mailjet Integration settings page, enter following details.

Form FieldDescription
NicknameYou can give any name which may help you to identify this account easily
API KeyYou will get from the API key management section in your Mailjet account settings. This is a mandatory field. SuprSend will use this key to route emails through your Mailjet account.

Check below section on how to get your API and Secret Key.
Secret KeySecret generate along with your API key. You will get this from API key management section in your Mailjet account settings. This is a mandatory field. SuprSend will use this token to route emails through your Mailjet account.

Check below section on how to get your API and Secret Key.
From NameDefault 'From Name' that email will go from. You can override this in the individual template.
eg. SuprSend
From EmailDefault 'From Name' that email will go from. You can override this in the individual template. eg.
From email domain should be verified by Mailjet.
Reply EmailDefault 'Reply To Email id' on which replies are received. You can override this in the individual template.
Price per notificationThis is the amount you pay per email notification to Mailjet. It helps us to calculate, estimate and optimise your cost spent on notifications. We use this cost to set the order of channels in smart routing where routing rule is optimize on cost.

How to get API and Secret key from Mailjet

  1. Login to your Mailjet account
  2. Click on your profile from the top bar and select account settings.
  1. On account Information Page, click on Rest API -> API Key Management

  1. On the API Key Management page, you'll get the option to create API key. Create one if you haven't already or else you can add the existing API Key and Secret in SuprSend vendor form.

Configuring Open/Click tracking for emails on Mailjet

SuprSend uses webhooks to update notification statuses on delivery, user actions like open/click or the failure scenarios. This allows SuprSend to track notification status in logs and to power analytics.
To allow SuprSend to receive these events via webhook, add SuprSend's webhook URL in your Mailjet account.

SuprSend's webhook URL:

  1. Go to Mailjet Account Settings Page from the top profile and select Rest API -> Event Notifications (Webhooks)

  1. On the webhook page, add SuprSend's tracking URL <> and apply this URL to all events.

What’s Next

Design your Email template if you haven't already.