Tenants are used for personalizing communication on behalf of some other entity/organization. In SuprSend, tenants are workspace level entities. By default, SuprSend creates a brand with brand_id="default"
(representing your organization) in each of your workspaces. You can create more brands using one of our backend SDKs or from SuprSend Dashboard.
Tenant datastructure:
"tenant_id": "br-01",
"tenant_name": "Awesome Brand",
"logo": "https://ik.imagekit.io/l0quatz6utm/suprsend/staging/media/suprsend-only-logo_c8aa27faef118418e8c5bd7b31a1cafc74e09200.png",
"primary_color": "#ff0000",
"secondary_color": "#00ff00",
"tertiary_color": "#0000ff",
"social_links": {
"website": "https://suprsend.com",
"facebook": "",
"linkedin": "",
"twitter": "",
"instagram": "",
"medium": "",
"discord": "",
"telegram": "",
"youtube": ""
"embedded_preference_url": "",
"hosted_preference_domain": "",
"properties": {
"prop1": "value1",
"prop2": { "prop3": ["value2"]}
Field | Description |
tenant_id (mandatory) | max 64 characters and should contains alphanumeric characters(a-z, 0-9), hyphen (-) and underscode(_). |
tenant_name (mandatory) | name of the tenant. |
colors (primary, secondary, tertiary) | used while designing templates. If not provided default tenant colour will be picked. |
social_links | social links to your tenant. Pass "" if you want to remove existing link. |
properties | Custom properties associated with the tenant. Update operation is upsert (new properties are added to existing one's and if key is already present, value is overridden). |
Tenant methods
Upsert tenant
This method will create a new tenant or update an existing tenant.
const { Suprsend } = require("@suprsend/node-sdk");
const supr_client = new Suprsend("workspace_key", "workspace_secret")
const tenant_payload = {...} // prepare tenant datastructure payload
const response = supr_client.tenants.upsert(tenant_id, tenant_payload); // create or update tenant
response.then((res) => console.log("response", res));
Get tenant details
const response = supr_client.tenants.get(tenant_id)
Get tenants list
const response = supr_client.brands.list(); // default limit 20
const response = supr_client.brands.list({limit:20, offset:0}); // max limit 1000
Add tenant in Workflow
const wf = new Workflow(workflow_body, {tenant_id : "_tenant_id_"})
Add tenant in Event
const event = new Event(distinct_id, event_name, properties, {tenant_id : "_tenant_id_"})
Updated 10 months ago