
An Overview of what workflow stands for and how to trigger it

Workflow is the notification powerhouse where you define the logic and stitch individual pieces together, like user, template, vendor, and preferences, to deliver notifications to the end user. The workflow logic is designed on the platform and can be triggered using one of the 2 methods:

Direct workflow trigger via API: It is a straightforward way to get started, as you can include recipient channel information directly in the API call and doesn't require prior user creation to initiate the notification. It is best suited for backend triggers such as authentication, and verification notifications, where dynamic user channel information or sensitive data needs to be passed at the time of sending.

Event Based trigger: For other transactional usecases where the event is user action based and the events are generated using our frontend SDKs where user creation happens before hand or passing events and user properties from third-party data platforms like Segment, then event-based trigger would be a better choice.

Learn more about workflows