Customising Feed
Customising tenant
By default tenantId
prop is set to default
tenant. If you use multi-tenant architecture and want to fetch inbox notifications of other tenant, you can pass tenant_id
<Inbox tenantId="suprsend" />
<SuprSendFeedProvider tenantId="suprsend">
If you are passing tenant_id
in feed, make sure to pass scope key while creating userToken else 403 error will be thrown due to scope mismatching.
Adding tabs
You can pass stores
prop to add multiple tabs in feed. For each tab you can write your own logic to get notifications based on tags, notification categories and notification status like read, archived. Read more about it here.
<Inbox stores={[{"storeId": "All", "label": "all"}, {"storeId": "Archived", "label": "archived", "query": {"archived": true}}]} />
<SuprSendFeedProvider stores={[{"storeId": "All", "label": "all"}, {"storeId": "Archived", "label": "archived", "query": {"archived": true}}]}>
Customise page size
You can change number of notifications to fetch per page to any integer value. Default value is 20 and maximum allowed page size is 100.
<Inbox pageSize={25} />
<SuprSendFeedProvider pageSize={25}>
Disable pagination
By default, feed supports infinite scrolling type pagination to get older notifications when you scroll through notifications list. If you want to remove infinite scroll ie., stop getting previous page notifications, you can set pagination=false
<Inbox pagination={false} />
<NotificationFeed pagination={false} />
Enable dark mode
<Inbox themeType="dark" / "light" />
<NotificationFeed themeType="dark" / "light" />
Light Theme | Dark Theme |
![]() | ![]() |
Custom notification card click handler
Clicking on notification card will open the link if Action URL
field is present in triggered inbox template. If you want to override this with your custom callback function you can pass notificationClickHandler
notificationClickHandler={(notificationData: IRemoteNotification) => {
console.log('notification clicked', notificationData.n_id)
notificationClickHandler={(notificationData: IRemoteNotification) => {
console.log('notification clicked', notificationData.n_id)
Custom action button click handlers
Clicking on action buttons in notification card will open link if you provide url on action button fields in triggered inbox template. If you want to override this with your custom action button callback functions you can pass primaryActionClickHandler
and secondaryActionClickHandler
primaryActionClickHandler={(notificationData: IRemoteNotification) => {
console.log('primary action button clicked', notificationData.n_id)
secondaryActionClickHandler={(notificationData: IRemoteNotification) => {
console.log('secondary action button clicked', notificationData.n_id)
primaryActionClickHandler={(notificationData: IRemoteNotification) => {
console.log('primary action button clicked', notificationData.n_id)
secondaryActionClickHandler={(notificationData: IRemoteNotification) => {
console.log('secondary action button clicked', notificationData.n_id)
Popover position
Popover component is wrapper around NotificationFeed component and will be opened on click of bell icon. By default popover is shown at bottom ie., the inbox notifications popup list will be shown at bottom of the bell icon.
Example: Feed needs to be shown at bottom of left sidebar above profile icon, in that case on click of bell icon you would want to show notifications popover at right side.
<Inbox popperPosition="top" / "bottom" / "left" / "right" />
Custom bell component
For Bell, you can customise either css styles of existing bell component or replace existing bell with your own bell component. To replace existing bell component with your own component use bellComponent
<Inbox bellComponent={() => <p>MyBell</p>} />
Custom badge component
This element shows the number of unseen notifications on Bell.You can customise either css styles of existing badge component or replace existing badge with your own badge component. To replace existing badge component with your own component use badgeComponent
<Inbox badgeComponent={(count: number) => <p>{count}</p>} />
Custom header component
You can add custom component on right side of Header, this will replace Mark all as read
text and add any JSX you pass as component in that place. You can even add custom icons like setting or preferences in that JSX and navigate user to that pages.
headerRightComponent={({ markAllRead: ()=>void, closeInboxPopover: ()=>void }) => <p onClick={markAllRead}>Custom Mark All as Read</p>}
headerRightComponent={({ markAllRead: ()=>void, closeInboxPopover: ()=>void }) => <p onClick={markAllRead}>Custom Mark All as Read</p>}
Custom notification card component
You can customise either css styles of existing notification card component or replace existing card with your own card component. To replace existing component use notificationComponent
notificationComponent={(config: CustomNotificationCardProps) => (
<p onClick={() => config.markAsRead(config.notificationData.n_id)}>
My Notification card
notificationComponent={(config: CustomNotificationCardProps) => (
<p onClick={() => config.markAsRead(config.notificationData.n_id)}>
My Notification card
interface CustomNotificationCardProps {
notificationData: IRemoteNotification;
markAsRead: (e?: Event) => Promise<ApiResponse> | undefined;
markAsUnread: (e?: Event) => Promise<ApiResponse> | undefined;
markAsArchived: (e?: Event) => Promise<ApiResponse> | undefined;
markAsInteracted: (e?: Event) => Promise<ApiResponse> | undefined;
BodyMarkdown component
We support markdown language in body field in inbox template. So while designing your own notification card component if you want to use our inbuilt body component which includes support for markdown language to save some time you could use BodyMarkdown
notificationComponent={(config: CustomNotificationCardProps) => (
<div onClick={() => config.markAsRead(config.notificationData.n_id)}>
<p>My Notification card</p>
<BodyMarkdown body={config.notificationData.message.text} />
interface BodyMarkdownProps {
body: string;
handleActionClick?: HandleActionClick; // for links, this callback will be executed on click
style?: NotificationCardBodyTextThemeProps;
interface NotificationCardBodyTextThemeProps extends React.CSSProperties {
color?: string;
blockquoteColor?: string;
tableBorderColor?: string;
linkColor?: string;
type HandleActionClick = (
e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLSpanElement, MouseEvent>,
clickData: ClickHandlerPayload
) => void;
Custom loader component
Existing loader icon which is displayed while getting notifications from SuprSend server, can be changed.
<Inbox loaderComponent={() => (<p>Loading...</p>)} />
<NotificationFeed loaderComponent={() => (<p>Loading...</p>)} />
Custom no notifications component
When no notifications are present then we show empty component. This component can be overridden by using noNotificationsComponent
<Inbox noNotificationsComponent={() => (<p>No Notifications Yet</p>)} />
<NotificationFeed noNotificationsComponent={() => (<p>No Notifications Yet.</p>)} />
Customising CSS styles
If you don't want to replace existing components, you have an option to change styles of them.
// typedef for Inbox drop-in component
interface ITheme extends INotificationFeedTheme {
bell?: IconThemeProps;
badge?: BadgeThemeProps;
interface IconThemeProps {
height?: number | string;
width?: number | string;
color?: string;
interface BadgeThemeProps extends React.CSSProperties {
backgroundColor?: string;
color?: string;
// typedef for NotificationFeed drop-in component
interface INotificationFeedTheme {
header?: IHeaderTheme;
tabs?: TabsThemeProps;
notificationsContainer?: INotificationsContainerTheme;
notification?: INotificationCardTheme;
interface IHeaderTheme {
container?: React.CSSProperties;
headerText?: React.CSSProperties;
markAllReadText?: React.CSSProperties;
interface TabsThemeProps {
color?: string;
unselectedColor?: string;
bottomColor?: string;
badgeColor?: string;
badgeText?: string;
interface INotificationsContainerTheme {
container?: React.CSSProperties;
noNotificationsText?: React.CSSProperties;
noNotificationsSubtext?: React.CSSProperties;
loader?: LoaderThemeProps;
interface INotificationCardTheme {
container?: NotificationCardContainerThemeProps;
pinnedIcon?: IconThemeProps;
pinnedText?: React.CSSProperties;
headerText?: React.CSSProperties;
bodyText?: NotificationCardBodyTextThemeProps;
unseenDot?: React.CSSProperties;
avatar?: React.CSSProperties;
createdOnText?: React.CSSProperties;
subtext?: React.CSSProperties;
expiresText?: NotificationCardExpriesTextThemeProps;
actions?: Array<{
container?: NotificationCardActionButtonViewThemeProps;
text?: React.CSSProperties;
actionsMenuIcon?: CardActionMenuIconThemeProps;
actionsMenu?: React.CSSProperties;
actionsMenuItem?: CardActionsMenuItem;
actionsMenuItemIcon?: IconThemeProps;
actionsMenuItemText?: React.CSSProperties;
interface LoaderThemeProps {
color?: string;
interface NotificationCardContainerThemeProps extends React.CSSProperties {
borderBottom?: string | number;
readBackgroundColor?: string;
unreadBackgroundColor?: string;
hoverBackgroundColor?: string;
interface NotificationCardBodyTextThemeProps extends React.CSSProperties {
color?: string;
blockquoteColor?: string;
tableBorderColor?: string;
linkColor?: string;
interface NotificationCardExpriesTextThemeProps extends React.CSSProperties {
expiringBackgroundColor?: string;
expiringColor?: string;
interface NotificationCardActionButtonViewThemeProps extends React.CSSProperties {
hoverBackgroundColor?: string;
interface CardActionMenuIconThemeProps extends IconThemeProps {
hoverBackgroundColor?: string;
interface CardActionsMenuItem extends React.CSSProperties {
hoverBackgroundColor?: string;
const darkColors = {
primary: '#2E70E8',
primaryText: '#EFEFEF',
secondaryText: '#CBD5E1',
border: '#3A4A61',
main: '#1D2635',
error: '#F97066',
const darkInboxStyles = {
bell: { color: '#fff' },
badge: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
const darkNotificationsFeedStyles={
header: {
container: {
backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
borderBottom: `0.5px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
boxShadow: '0 0 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
markAllReadText: { color: darkColors.primary },
tabs: {
color: darkColors.primaryText,
unselectedColor: darkColors.secondaryText + 'D9',
bottomColor: darkColors.primary,
badgeColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
badgeText: darkColors.primaryText,
notificationsContainer: {
container: {
backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
borderColor: darkColors.border,
noNotificationsText: {
color: darkColors.primaryText,
noNotificationsSubtext: {
color: darkColors.secondaryText,
loader: { color: darkColors.primary },
notification: {
container: {
borderBottom: `1px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
readBackgroundColor: darkColors.main,
unreadBackgroundColor: '#273244',
hoverBackgroundColor: '#2D3A4D',
pinnedText: {
color: darkColors?.secondaryText,
headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
bodyText: {
color: darkColors.secondaryText,
blockquoteColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
unseenDot: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
createdOnText: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
subtext: { color: '#94a3b8' },
actions: [
{ container: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary } },
container: {
borderColor: darkColors.border,
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
hoverBackgroundColor: darkColors.main,
text: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
expiresText: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
color: darkColors.secondaryText,
expiringBackgroundColor: 'rgba(217, 45, 32, 0.15)',
expiringColor: darkColors.error,
actionsMenuIcon: {
color: darkColors.secondaryText,
hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
actionsMenu: {
backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
borderColor: darkColors.border,
actionsMenuItem: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.2)' },
actionsMenuItemIcon: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
actionsMenuItemText: {
color: darkColors.secondaryText,
Updated 24 days ago