Embeddable Inbox

@suprsend/web-inbox is used to integrate inbox channel in non react applications. For react application use @suprsend/react-inbox.

Integrate using script tag

This solution works if you are using applications like Django, Laravel, ruby.

<div id="suprsend-inbox"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  function initializeSuprSend(distinctId, subscriberId) {
    window.suprSendConfig = {
      workspaceKey: "your_workspace_key",
      distinctId: distinctId,
      subscriberId: subscriberId,

    let scriptElem = document.createElement("script");
    scriptElem.async = 1;
    scriptElem.src =

  initializeSuprSend("your_distinct_id", "your_subscriber_id");

In above code replace your_distinct_id, your_subscriber_id and
your_workspace_key variables with valid values.

Example code: https://github.com/suprsend/suprsend-web-inbox/blob/main/index.html

Integrate using NPM module

This solution work if you are using applications like angular, vue etc. If you are using server side rendering frameworks then render this inbox component after mounting on client side.

npm install @suprsend/web-inbox
yarn add @suprsend/web-inbox
import { initSuprSendInbox } from "@suprsend/web-inbox";

<div id="suprsend-inbox"></div>

const suprSendConfig= {
  workspaceKey: "your_workspace_key",
  distinctId: "your_distinct_id",
  subscriberId: "your_subscriber_id",

initSuprSendInbox(document.getElementById("suprsend-inbox"), suprSendConfig);

Calling initSuprSendInbox function will initialize inbox inside div tag.

To unmount inbox component manually you can use cleanSuprSend function provided in SDK.

const targetElement = docuent.getElementById("suprsend-inbox");

Customising Inbox

For suprSendConfig (script and npm package) you can pass other options to customize.

workspaceKeystring (Mandatory)You can find it in SuprSend Dashboard inside Settings -> API Keys.
distinctIdany (Mandatory)Unique identifier for the user.
subscriberIdstring (Mandatory)This is unique string for every distinctId used for authentication to inbox service. You check generation docs.
tenantIdstring (Optional)If you use multi-tenant architecture you can get inbox notifications for that specific tenant/brand only.
storesIStore[] (Optional)Pass stores array if you ant to use multi-tab feature.
pageSizenumber (Optional)Notifications to get in one api call. Used for pagination to get older notifications. Maximum allowed is 50. Defaults to 20.
paginationboolean (Optional)By default infinite scroll will be enabled to get older notifications on scroll. It can be disabled by passing false.

Other UI based options are:

interface ISuprSendInboxConfig {
  themeType?: 'light' | 'dark'
  hideInbox?: boolean
  hideToast?: boolean
  hideAvatar?: boolean
  notificationClickHandler?: (notificationData: any) => void
  toastProps?: {
    duration?: number, // in ms defaults to 3000ms/3sec
    position?:'top-left'| 'top-right'| 'top-center'| 'bottom-left'| 'bottom-right'| 'bottom-center',
    limit?: number // no of toast notifications to show at a time default to 3
  theme?: Dictionary // check Example tab for full details
  popperPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'
const suprSendConfig={
  workspaceKey: "your_workspace_key",
  distinctId: "your_distinct_id",
  subscriberId: "your_subscriber_id",
  tenantId: "testing",
  themeType: "dark",
  theme: {
    bell: { color: "blue" },
    badge: { backgroundColor: "red", color: "black" },

// full theme example

const colors = {
  primary: '#2E70E8',
  primaryText: '#EFEFEF',
  secondaryText: '#CBD5E1',
  border: '#3A4A61',
  main: '#1D2635',
  error: '#F97066'

const themeExample= {
  bell: { color: '#fff' },
  badge: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
  header: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderBottom: `0.5px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
      boxShadow: '0 0 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    markAllReadText: { color: darkColors.primary }
  tabs: {
    color: darkColors.primaryText,
    unselectedColor: darkColors.secondaryText + 'D9',
    bottomColor: darkColors.primary,
    badgeColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
    badgeText: darkColors.primaryText
  notificationsContainer: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    noNotificationsText: {
      color: darkColors.primaryText
    noNotificationsSubtext: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText
    loader: { color: darkColors.primary }
  notification: {
    container: {
      borderBottom: `1px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
      readBackgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      unreadBackgroundColor: '#273244',
      hoverBackgroundColor: '#2D3A4D'
    pinnedText: {
      color: darkColors?.secondaryText
    pinnedIcon: {
      color: 'red'
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    bodyText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      blockquoteColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)'
    unseenDot: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
    createdOnText: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
    subtext: { color: '#94a3b8' },
    actions: [
      { container: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary } },
        container: {
          borderColor: darkColors.border,
          backgroundColor: 'transparent',
          hoverBackgroundColor: darkColors.main
        text: { color: darkColors.secondaryText }
    expiresText: {
      backgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      expiringBackgroundColor: 'rgba(217, 45, 32, 0.15)',
      expiringColor: darkColors.error
    actionsMenuIcon: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)'
    actionsMenu: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    actionsMenuItem: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.2)' },
    actionsMenuItemIcon: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
    actionsMenuItemText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText
  toast: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    bodyText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      blockquoteColor: darkColors.border

Customization Details: More details about these UI customization props can be found here.