Firebase Push (FCM)

This will guide you to integrate FCM push notifications in android flutter applications using SuprSend

This section is a step-by-step guide to integrating FCM as your service provider in your flutter application for sending Android Push notifications.

Example integration project can be found here:

Step-1: Create a Firebase project in the firebase console

To start sending notifications from FCM, you'll have to first create a firebase project. Create a firebase project and application in firebase console with your applications package name which you can find in AndroidManifest.xml.

Step-2: Adding google-services.json to your project

You can get your Service Account JSON from Firebase Console Project Settings. Download google-services.json and add the file inside your android > app folder.

Step-3: Adding Firebase dependencies and plugins

3.1. Add the below dependency inside projects build.gradle inside dependencies

dependencies {
        classpath '' // or latest version

3.2. Add the below plugin inside the app build.gradle

apply plugin: ''

3.3. Add the below dependency inside apps build.gradle inside dependencies

implementation("") // or latest version

Step-4: Implementing push

Push feature can be implemented in two ways:

Option-1: Token Generation and Notification handled By SDK

You may use this option if all of your android push notifications are to be handled via SuprSend SDK. We recommend you use this method as it is just a single-step process to just register the service in your application manifest and everything else will be ready.

<!--If you are targeting to API 33 (Android 13) you will additional need to add POST_NOTIFICATIONS -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />

        <action android:name="" />

Option-2: Token Generation and Notification handled By Your Application:

2.1. Once you get a token from Firebase you can pass the token by using the below code


2.2 When you get a push notification you will get a payload and it can be passed to the method provided by Suprsend Flutter SDK and the notification displaying part will be handled by SDK.



How to identify if notification is sent by SuprSend?

If notification payload contains key supr_send_n_pl then simply consider this as payload sent from suprsend and pass the payload to suprsend sdk.

Targeting Android 13 (API-33):

In Android13 (API 33) or higher notification permission will be disabled by default so permission needs to be asked to enable notifications if you are targeting android 13 users. You can follow this doc to update to support Andriod 13(API 33), if not already supported: Please test the application as well as upgrading to API 33 may causes breaking changes.

  1. Add POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission in AndroidManifest.xml if not present already.
<manifest ...>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"/> 
    <application ...>
  1. From your code call the SDK method to show a notification permission popup. This method is asynchronous and returns permission values. To show permission popup we use flutter package permission_handler

NOTE: This method is available from suprsend-flutter-sdk v2.0.0. Please update it if using lower versions

import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';

final permission = await suprsend.askNotificationPermission(); // ask permission as well as return permission enum

print("permission data is ${data == PermissionStatus.granted}");

Once permission is granted users can be able to get push notifications.

What’s Next

Add FCM vendor configuration on SuprSend dashboard vendor page to start sending notification