Full screen or Sidesheet notifications feed
This will guide you through integration steps of feed in full screen or sidesheet in your react application
If you want to render notifications in separate screen or in side-sheet or in any other way instead of popover, you can use NotificationFeed
component wrapped inside SuprSendFeedProvider. Both of these components should be children of SuprSendProvider.
import { SuprSendProvider, SuprSendFeedProvider, NotificationFeed } from '@suprsend/react';
function Example() {
return (
<NotificationFeed />
interface SuprSendFeedProviderProps {
tenantId?: string;
pageSize?: number;
stores?: IStore[] | null;
host?: { socketHost?: string, apiHost?: string };
interface NotificationFeedProps {
pagination?: boolean;
showUnreadCountOnTabs?: boolean;
hideAvatar?: boolean;
themeType?: ThemeType;
theme?: INotificationFeedTheme;
notificationClickHandler?: (notification: IRemoteNotification) => void;
primaryActionClickHandler?: (notification: IRemoteNotification) => void;
secondaryActionClickHandler?: (notification: IRemoteNotification) => void;
loaderComponent?: React.FC;
noNotificationsComponent?: React.FC;
tabBadgeComponent?: React.FC<{ count: number }>;
notificationComponent?: React.FC<CustomNotificationCard>;
headerRightComponent?: React.FC<{markAllRead: () => void, closeInboxPopover: () => void}>;
Note: Please refer Customising CSS styles section to view typedefs for INotificationFeedTheme
Infinite scroll is also included to fetch more pages in NotificationFeed
component. Specifying height for the container is needed for infinite scroll to work properly.
<NotificationFeed theme={{ notificationsContainer: { container: { height: '100vh' } } }} />
Updated 25 days ago