Customize Inbox

How to change the default inbox theme


End of Support for @suprsend/react-inbox: Migrate to @suprsend/react

Development of the @suprsend/react-inbox SDK has been discontinued in favour of the new @suprsend/react SDK. Please refer the migration guide for instructions on transitioning to the new SDK.

The inbox component is highly customizable. For most parts in Inbox, we also support custom components using render props. This is how the default inbox looks like with its components marked in order.

Apart from props provided in initialization section SuprSendInbox also takes other props for customization.

interface ISuprSendInbox {
  themeType?: 'light' | 'dark'
  hideInbox?: boolean
  hideToast?: boolean
  hideAvatar?: boolean
  noNotificationsComponent?: () => JSX.Element
  notificationComponent?: ({notificationData: any}) => JSX.Element
  bellComponent?: () => JSX.Element
  badgeComponent?: ({ count: number | null }) => JSX.Element
  loaderComponent?: () => JSX.Element
  tabBadgeComponent?: ({ count: number }) => JSX.Element
  notificationClickHandler?: (notificationData: any) => void
  primaryActionClickHandler?: (notificationData: any) => void
  secondaryActionClickHandler?: (notificationData: any) => void
  theme?: Dictionary  // check ThemeExample tab for full details
  popperPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'
  toastProps?: {
    duration?: number,
    position?:'top-left'| 'top-right'| 'top-center'| 'bottom-left'| 'bottom-right'| 'bottom-center',
    limit?: number
    toastComponent?: ({notificationData: any}) => JSX.Element
const darkColors = {
  primary: '#2E70E8',
  primaryText: '#EFEFEF',
  secondaryText: '#CBD5E1',
  border: '#3A4A61',
  main: '#1D2635',
  error: '#F97066'

const sampleDarkTheme = {
  bell: { color: '#fff' },
  badge: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
  header: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderBottom: `0.5px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
      boxShadow: '0 0 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    markAllReadText: { color: darkColors.primary }
  tabs: {
    color: darkColors.primaryText,
    unselectedColor: darkColors.secondaryText + 'D9',
    bottomColor: darkColors.primary,
    badgeColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
    badgeText: darkColors.primaryText
  notificationsContainer: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    noNotificationsText: {
      color: darkColors.primaryText
    noNotificationsSubtext: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText
    loader: { color: darkColors.primary }
  notification: {
    container: {
      borderBottom: `1px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
      readBackgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      unreadBackgroundColor: '#273244',
      hoverBackgroundColor: '#2D3A4D'
    pinnedText: {
      color: darkColors?.secondaryText
    pinnedIcon: {
      color: 'red'
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    bodyText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      blockquoteColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)', 
      tableBorderColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
    unseenDot: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
    createdOnText: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
    subtext: { color: '#94a3b8' },
    actions: [
      { container: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary } },
        container: {
          borderColor: darkColors.border,
          backgroundColor: 'transparent',
          hoverBackgroundColor: darkColors.main
        text: { color: darkColors.secondaryText }
    expiresText: {
      backgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      expiringBackgroundColor: 'rgba(217, 45, 32, 0.15)',
      expiringColor: darkColors.error
    actionsMenuIcon: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)'
    actionsMenu: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    actionsMenuItem: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.2)' },
    actionsMenuItemIcon: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
    actionsMenuItemText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText
  toast: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    bodyText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      blockquoteColor: darkColors.border,
      tableBorderColor: darkColors.border,

Customizing Theme

<SuprsendInbox themeType="light / dark" />
Light ThemeDark Theme

Customizing Bell Icon

You can also customize the color of the existing bell icon or add your own component.

  bellComponent?: React.FunctionComponent
  theme?: { bell?: React.CSSProperties }
  bellComponent={() => <p>MyBell</p>}
  theme={{ bell: { color: 'blue' }}}
Bell colortheme={{ bell: { color: 'blue' } }}

Customizing Badge (Counter)

This element shows the number of unseen notifications on Bell. You can change style of existing badge or pass custom badge component.

  badgeComponent?: React.FunctionComponent<{ count: Number }>
  theme?: { badge?: React.CSSProperties }
  badgeComponent={(count) => <p>{count}</p>}
  theme={{ badge: { backgroundColor: 'pink', color: 'black', margin: '0px' }}}
Background colortheme={{ badge: { backgroundColor: 'pink'}}}
Text colortheme={{ badge: { color: 'black' }}}

Customizing Header

This is the heading of the Notifications Inbox.

  theme?: {
    header?: {
      container?: React.CSSProperties
      headertext?: React.CSSProperties
      markAllReadText?: React.CSSProperties
    header: { 
      container: { backgroundColor: 'grey' }, 
      headertext: {color: 'black'},
      markAllReadText: {color: 'red'}
Background colortheme={{ header: { container: { backgroundColor: 'grey' }}}}
Text colortheme={{ header: { headertext: { color: '#333333' }}}}
Mark all read text colortheme={{ header: { markAllReadText: { color: 'red' }}}}

Adding custom Header component

You can add Custom component on right side of Header, this will replace Mark all as read text and add any JSX you pass as component in that place. You can even add custom icons like setting or preferences in that JSX and navigate user to that pages.

<SuprsendInbox headerRightComponent={({ markAllRead:()=>void, closeInboxPopup:()=>void }) => React.FunctionComponent} />
<SuprsendInbox headerRightComponent={({ markAllRead, closeInboxPopup }) => <p onClick={()=>{markAllRead()}}>Custom Read All</p>} />

Customizing Tabs

You can customise style of tabs component.

<SuprsendInbox theme?: { tabs?: React.CSSProperties } />
Selected tab text colortheme={{ tabs: {color: 'red'}}
Unselected tab text colortheme={{ tabs: {unselectedColor: 'red'}}
Selected tab bottom bordertheme={{ tabs: {bottomColor: 'red'}}

Customizing Tab Badge (Counter)

To hide unread counter badge on Tabs use showUnreadCountOnTabs flag.

You can also customise counter style.

Tab badge background colortheme={{ tabs: {badgeColor: 'red'}}
Tab badge text colortheme={{ tabs: {badgeText: 'red'}}

You can Pass own component for unread counter on tab.

<SuprsendInbox tabBadgeComponent={({ count }) =>  <p>{count}</p>} />

Customizing Notification Card

The style of notification depends on its state. It can be read or unread. The unread state just has an unseen dot on the card. These are all the components of a notification card.

  theme?: {
    notification?: {
      container?: React.CSSProperties
      headerText?: React.CSSProperties
      bodyText?: React.CSSProperties
      unseenDot?: React.CSSProperties
    notification: {
      container: { readBackgroundColor: 'gray' },
      headerText: { color: 'red' },
      bodyText: { color: 'blue' },
      unseenDot: { backgroundColor: 'red' }

Background (Container)

Read state notification background colortheme={{ notification: { container: { readBackgroundColor: 'gray' }}}
UnRead state notification background colortheme={{ notification: { container: { unreadBackgroundColor: 'gray' }}}
Notification hover background colortheme={{ notification: { container: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'gray' }}}

Header Text

Text colortheme={{ notification: { headerText: { color: '#333333' }}}}

Body Text

The body text field supports markdown. You can add bold, italic, bold italic, blockquotes, ordered and unordered lists etc. Body text also has supports HTML syntax.

Text colortheme={{ notification: { bodyText: { color: '#333333' }}}}
Blockquote colortheme={{ notification: { bodyText: { blockquoteColor: 'red'}}}
Link colortheme={{ notification: { bodyText: { linkColor: 'red'}}}
Table border colortheme={{ notification: { bodyText: { tableBorderColor: 'red'}}}

Unread Dot

Background colortheme={{ notification: { unseenDot: { backgroundColor: 'gray' }}}}


Colortheme={{ notification: { subtext: { color: 'red' }}}}

Action Buttons

There are 2 types of buttons, Primary and Secondary. You can customize the styles of both buttons.

Primary button colortheme={{ notification: { actions: [{ container: { backgroundColor: 'red' } }] } }}
Primary button hover colortheme={{ notification: { actions: [{ container: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'red' } }] } }}
Primary button text colortheme={{ notification: { actions: [{text:{color:"yellow"} }] } }}
Secondary button colortheme={{ notification: { actions: [{<first button style>}, { container: { backgroundColor: 'red' } }] } }}
Secondary button hover colortheme={{ notification: { actions: [{<first button style>}, { container: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'red' } }] } }}
Secondary button text colortheme={{ notification: { actions: [{<primary_button_style>}, {text:{color:"yellow"} }] } }}

Action Button Custom Click Handlers

You could override the custom action button click logic to add your own logic using primaryActionClickHandler and secondaryActionClickHandler.

  primaryActionClickHandler?: (notificationData: any) => void
  secondaryActionClickHandler?: (notificationData: any) => void


To hide the avatar in the notification card pass hideAvatar={true} in SuprsendInbox component. By default its value will be false.

Expires Text

If expiry and show expiry timer is enabled then you can customize the style of expiring badge using below properties

Background colortheme={{ notification: { expiresText: { backgroundColor: 'red' } } }}
Colortheme={{ notification: { expiresText: { color: 'red' } } }}
Expiring background colortheme={{ notification: { expiresText: { expiringBackgroundColor: 'red' } } }}
Expiring colortheme={{ notification: { expiresText: { expiringColor: 'red' } } }}

Pinned Text

Colortheme={{ notification: { pinnedText: { color: 'red' } } }}

Pinned Icon

Colortheme={{ notification: { pinnedIcon: { color: 'red' } } }}

Actions Menu

Actions Menu Icon

This is horizontal 3 dots on notification card which on clicked opens menu of options like read/ unread/ archive etc

Colortheme={{ notification: { actionsMenuIcon: { color: 'red' } } }}
Hover background colortheme={{ notification: { hoverBackgroundColor: { color: 'red' } } }}

Actions Menu Container

This is menu that is opened when 3 dots icon is clicked on notification card.

Background colortheme={{ notification: { actionsMenu: { backgroundColor: 'red' } } }}
Border colortheme={{ notification: { actionsMenu: { borderColor: 'red' } } }}

Actions Menu Item

Style of every option item in notification actions menu can be customized.

Hover background colortheme={{ notification: { actionsMenuItem: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'red' } } }}

Actions Menu Item Icon

Style of icon in option item in notification actions menu can be customized.

Colortheme={{ notification: { actionsMenuItemIcon: { color: 'red' } } }}

Actions Menu Item Text

Style of text in option item in notification actions menu can be customized.

Colortheme={{ notification: { actionsMenuItemText: { color: 'red' } } }}

Custom Notification Card Component

You can either customize the CSS properties of the default notification card as mentioned above or create your own notification card. To toggle between mark read and mark unread action you could use seen_on field in notificationData like given in example.

  notificationComponent?: React.FunctionComponent<{ notificationData: Object, markRead:(clickEvent?:any)=>void, markUnRead:(clickEvent?:any)=>void, markArchived:(clickEvent?:any)=>void }>
  notificationComponent={({ notificationData, markRead, markUnRead, markArchived }) => (
        {notificationData.seen_on? <p onClick={(e)=>{markUnRead(e)}}>Mark UnRead</p> : <p onClick={(e)=>{markRead(e)}}>Mark Read</p>}

Set Custom Click Handler

If you add a URL or deep-link in action URL or buttons, the default handling is to open the URL when a user clicks on the notification. However, you can set a custom click handler by setting the click handler function.

Example: You can open a modal using a notification click handler.

<SuprsendInbox  notificationClickHandler?: Function<notificationData> />
  notificationClickHandler={(notificationData) => {
    console.log('notification clicked', notificationData)

Customizing Inbox Popup Position

Popup position w.r.t bell icon can be adjusted using the popperPosition property. The default position is bottom ie.., the inbox notifications popup list will be shown bottom of the bell icon.

<SuprsendInbox popperPosition="top" / "bottom" / "left" / "right" />

Customizing Toast

Toast appears when a new inbox notification is received when the user is active on the platform. You can customize the content shown on the toast and its styling or hide the toast altogether as per your requirement. We use react-toastify for toast notifications. This is the default toast.

Show / Hide Toast

You can hide the toast by passing hideToast={false}. By default, it is set to true.

<SuprsendInbox hideToast:boolean />

Change Toast Position

By default, a toast message appears on the bottom-right corner of the screen on the desktop and the bottom-center on mobile. You can change this using below property.

  toastProps?: {
    position?:'top-left'| 'top-right'| 'top-center'| 'bottom-left'| 'bottom-right'| 'bottom-center'

Change Toast Duration

By default, toast stays on screen for 3 seconds. You can customize this duration.

<SuprsendInbox toastProps?: { duration: number } /> // in milliseconds

Change Toast Notifications Limit

By default, 3 toast notifications are shown at max. You can customize this limit.

<SuprsendInbox toastProps?: { limit: number } />

Custom Toast Content Component

By default, toast shows the header and body text of the notification. You can also pass your own component.

  toastProps?: {
    toastComponent?: React.FunctionComponent<{ notificationData: object }>
  toastProps={{ toastComponent: ({ notificationData }) => <p>New Notification received</p> }}

Customize Toast Style

You can customize style of existing toast notification.

  theme?: {
    toast: {
      container?: React.CSSProperties
      headerText?: React.CSSProperties
      bodyText?: React.CSSProperties
    toast: {
      container: { backgroundColor: 'red' },
      headerText: { color: 'white' },
      bodyText: { color: 'white' }

Customize Toast Background

Background colortheme={{ toast: { container: { backgroundColor: 'gray' } }}}

Customize Toast Header Text

Text colortheme={{ toast: { headerText: {color: '#333333'} }}}

Customize Toast Body Text

Text colortheme={{ toast: { bodyText: {color: '#333333'} }}}
Blockquote colortheme={{ toast: { bodyText: {blockquoteColor: '#333333'} }}}
Link colortheme={{ toast: { bodyText: {linkColor: '#333333'} }}}

Customizing Empty Inbox screen

Customize Existing Empty Screen Style

  theme?: {
    notificationsContainer?: {
      noNotificationsText?: React.CSSProperties,
      noNotificationsSubtext?: React.CSSProperties
    notificationsContainer: {
      noNotificationsText: { backgroundColor: 'blue', color: 'white' }
      noNotificationsSubtext: { backgroundColor: 'blue', color: 'white' }
Background colortheme={{ notificationsContainer: { noNotificationsText: { backgroundColor: 'blue' } }}}
Text colortheme={{ notificationsContainer: { noNotificationsText: { color: 'gray'} } }}

Custom Empty Screen Component

You can show your own custom component instead.

<SuprsendInbox noNotificationsComponent?: React.FunctionComponent />
<SuprsendInbox noNotificationsComponent={() => <p>No Notifications</p>} />